
Your Transformational Healing Journey Starts Here

My Work

My calling is to support humans and other living beings on their journey.

The healing sessions I offer go beneath what is seen on the surface and beyond what is known to the mind. Here, profound shifts can happen quickly and you will feel much more comfortable, at ease and at peace, 


"Monika is a very talented, compassionate and loving intuitive healer. During an energetic healing session her intuitive insights were spot on, and she helped me gain insight into some difficult personal issues and clear them from my field. I highly recommend Monika to anyone needing energetic healing."             Scott S, Nelson

"I couldn't have asked for a more genuine, generous, and humble human being than Monika, to support and guide my healing journey after my accident. Thank you for being of service and sharing your medicine with me, for holding space in a time of pain and confusion after my surgery, for tending to my soul and physical injury with so much respect and love.  I felt grounded, reconnected and full of inner peace after our sessions." - Carla J, Motueka

"Since the healing, my abdomen definitely feels more comfortable! I’ve been feeling much more light within it, actually my whole body – lots of ‘fairy dust’ type lights in the abdomen in particular. A couple of days after the healing I had lots of emotion come up, feeling so much love entering me – it was so beautiful. I felt like something had been ‘unlocked’." - Carla A, UK


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